Types Of Pothos: Different Varieties Of Pothos And How To Tell Them Apart

The houseplant pothos, a.k.a. Epipremnum aureum, is a popular species of vines native of Mo’rea in French Polynesia which includes some beautiful varieties and cultivars.

Known as Ceylon creeper, ivy arum, taro vine or devil’s ivy, it is very widespread as an indoor plant thanks to its very low maintenance needs. Its trailing stems with heart shaped leaves are a favorite to drape cupboards, shelves and in hanging baskets.

There is only one natural species of pothos, Epipremnum aureum, but horticulturalists have developed many varieties, which are only cultivars, as there are no pothos hybrids.

Of these, 12 are notable for their great decorative value, like ‘Marble Queen’ and the classical golden pothos.

All pothos varieties share traits but are also different. Thus, this article will help you identify each type, with words and great pictures. But we will throw in some useful tips and information on this very popular houseplant.

Despite the differences, though, they all need the same basic care. We’ll see how you can grow them successfully and then we’ll talk about each one in turn.

12 Recommended Pothos Plant Varieties To Grow Indoors

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How to Care for Pothos Plant

Pothos is very easy to care for. You can literally forget about it on a shelf and it will still give you love in return. However, there are a few tips you will want to follow:

  • Light requirements: pothos prefers bright indirect light, but it will tolerate low light conditions too. The leaf color may change with light exposure though.
  • Watering: if you grow your pothos in soil, it likes it to dry out before watering. It will tolerate erratic and infrequent watering too. You will notice if the plant is thirty because its leaves will droop.
  • Potting soil requirements: pothos likes well drained potting mix, a generic one will do perfectly well. You can mix it with some perlite or coconut coir for better drainage.
  • Soil pH: the ideal pH is between 6.1 and 6.5, so slightly acidic, but it will do well in neutral soil too.
  • Bloom: in the wild, pothos is a flowering plant. However, it will not bloom indoors unless you treat it with a special hormone.
  • Hydroponics: pothos is perfect for simple hydroponic systems, including the basic Kratcky method (just put the plant in a vase or jug, basically…).
  • Feeding: pothos does not need much feeding. Use a generic well balanced fertilizer once every 2 to 3 months. Do not overfeed the plant or it will suffer from toxicity and its growth and health will be affected.
  • Temperature: the ideal temperature range is between 70 and 90oF, or 21 to 32oC. However, it will survive lower temperatures, but it will start to suffer under 55oF (13oC).
  • Size: 6 to 10 feet long (1.8 to 3 meters), but it is easy to trim.
  • Propagation: very easy and with high success rate by stem cutting, both with rooting in water or directly into a pot.

As you can see, it is a very, very, very easy going plant that needs minimum maintenance. And now, get ready to meet all our varieties!

12 Different Types Of Pothos Varieties

To prove you that, contrary to popular belief, there isn’t “just one pothos”, here are 12 different pothos varieties to consider for indoor growing. 

1. Golden pothos
2. Marble queen pothos
3. Neon pothos
4. Manjula pothos
5. Cebu blue pothos
6. Jessenia pothos
7. Hawaiian pothos
8. Trebi pothos
9. Glacier pothos
10. N-Joy pothos
11. Satin pothos (or silver pothos)
12. Pearls and jade pothos

1. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Golden pothos
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Golden pothos is possibly the most common variety of this houseplant. In fact, “golden pothos” is also used as a general name for the whole species. It is called golden but it is mainly green.

To be precise, it is of a bright emerald green shade but with dabs of cream yellow scattered on the leaves. These give the impression that a painter dashed some paint on the leaf starting from the base.

This is a very easy variety to find and to grow. You will find it in any garden center, online or even in small shops sometimes.

Actually, your friend may have it. Just take a stem and grow your own then. The leaf color is also very stable. This makes it suitable for many types of environments (light conditions especially).

  • Leaf color: emerald green with dashes of cream yellow.
  • Ideal setting: this is really the most adaptable of all pothos varieties. However, it has a beautiful but discreet presence, so, on a shelf, on a cupboard, as “background” maybe.
  • Other tips: make the best of its trailing habit. Unlike other pothos varieties, this may not be great as a centerpiece on a table. Give it some fresh air outdoors during the summer season too.

2. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

Marble queen pothos
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Marble queen pothos is another very popular variety of this tropical vine. One of the earliest cultivars of this plant, it has a different presence from golden pothos.

The leaves, in fact, have marble like patches of white and green. They may be almost 50-50 of the tow colors, or some leaves and plants may have more white or more green.

Because it has little chlorophyll, it grows at a slower rate than other pothos varieties. This and its striking presence make it ideal as a table plant. It has great decorative and sculptural value as a variety.

  • Leaf color: white and green.
  • Ideal setting: it looks great as a centerpiece, maybe on a table, rather than a shelf. It also fits perfectly well in tidy and modern places, where it will look like a living statue. A 1960s furniture style room with pop art and this marble queen pothos is just perfect.
  • Other tips: careful with the light levels. Too little light will result in the plant turning green and losing white. This is because it will start to compensate for the lack of light by producing chlorophyll. 

3. Neon Pothos

Neon pothos
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Neon pothos has a “medal” among pothos varieties: it has the most perfect heart shaped leaves of all! But this is not where it gets its name.

In fact, it tales it from a color, neon green, which is that shiny green of the original neon lights (if you are young, they used to be green only, once…) Yes, because the leaves of this variety of pothos are of the brightest green color you will ever see.

Actually the start off a bit lighter and then they turn perfect neon green. As a monochromatic variety, neon pothos certainly makes the best of both shape and color, and this nay be the reason why it is very popular indeed.

  • Leaf color: neon green, monochrome.
  • Ideal setting: it would look great framing a brightly colored painting. It can work well as a backdrop, on a shelf etc. of a sculpturally furnished room, one of those rooms with bold lines and colors. It can also work well as a centerpiece on an office desk, for example.
  • Other tips: grow it in bright indirect light. If you grow it in low light, the leaves will not reach the bright neon green coloring. Again, this is a physiological response to the lack of light. The plant will pack its leaves with chlorophyll and they will turn dark.

4. Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Manjula’)

Manjula pothos
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Manjula pothos is an original variety with a peculiar leaf shape. They are heart shaped, but they curve at the tips, and they do not stay flat like with other varieties of this houseplant.

It was bred by the University of Florida, which still holds its patent. This means that you are not allowed to reproduce it.

The leaves are also very striking with their variegated colors ranging from white to green via silver and cream.

These occur in different patterns and with colors overlapping. Some end up looking like abstract paintings or those strange patterns you find on modern looking furniture.

  • Leaf color: dark to light green, silver green, cream and white.
  • Ideal setting: it would need a modern or even a formal setting to look its best. Certainly not a plant to relegate to a corner, Manjula pothos looks striking against a neutral wall (white, off white etc.)
  • Other tips: this is a rather rare variety. So, be very careful if you find it, as it is more pricey than other types of pothos. Also, careful with the light, as it may affect the coloring. Try to keep a balance between the light and dark colors by moving it around if necessary.

5. Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’)

Cebu blue pothos
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Cebu blue pothos is a variety for plant collectors. It is not easy to find and it is also an “intruder” – let’s say a “guest” – in our list!

You will notice that it does not belong to the species Epipremnum aureum but to Epipremnum pinnatum… But it has become an honorary pothos for gardeners, who in fact, call it so.

It has arrow shaped leaves with a very glossy texture of a rich and fairly dark blue green color. People describe its appearance as “metallic” very often.

The light games are highlighted by veins and bumps on the leaves. These too, set it apart from its botanical cousins (or is it sisters?)

  • Leaf color: fairly dark blue green.
  • Ideal setting: this is a plant that looks very exotic, tropical forest sort of look. It would look great either against dark wood, or in composition with other lush looking plants.
  • Other tips: the maintenance is not dissimilar to that of other pothos plants, but careful with low temperatures. 

6. Jessenia Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Jessenia’)

Jessenia Pothos
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Jessenia pothos is a delicate looking variety. It has variegated leaves, but of two close shades of green.

One is chartreuse and the other is dark emerald. There are also shades in between on many leaves. The patterns resemble that of marble pothos, and you will never find two leaves that are the same.

The color of this variety is quite stable, which, as you know, makes it suitable to different light conditions.

While it does not have a striking appearance, this variety is an “ambience creator” thanks to its light but lush presence.

  • Leaf color: dark emerald and chartreuse green, with shades in between.
  • Ideal setting: this looks perfect on a light colored bookcase, like a bamboo one… It also helps to put it in a bright spot full of light; it will bring out its vivacity and vitality. Great in a conservatory and draping over hanging baskets.
  • Other tips: place it where people can appreciate its delicate pattern at close range, or you will miss out on it.

7. Hawaiian Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Hawaiian’)

Hawaiian pothos
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Hawaiian pothos is a very exotic looking cultivar. It has large leaves with a glossy variegated surface.

The main color is rich emerald green, which covers the vast majority of the leaf. But there are dabs of lighter yellow-green dashes that follow the lateral veins and lead the eye to the edges of the leaves.

Ot also grows aerial roots on the stems, which add to its “tropical forest look”.

These, in fact, will remind you of the vines you see in movies on famous explorers, or the ones Tarzan used to swing from tree to tree.

  • Leaf color: rich emerald green with spots of light green-yellow.
  • Ideal setting: it needs to say “exotic and tropical” out loud. Of all pothos varieties, this in one of the best to mix with other broad and showy leaf plants, for a rain forest corner in your living room.
  • Other tips: if you prune it regularly, the foliage will grow thicker and you will enhance that lush tropical forest look this plant is so good for!

8. Trebi Pothos (Scindapsus Pictus ‘Trebie’)

Trebi pothos
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Trebi pothos is another honorary member of the pothos family. Its common name, in fact, hides the fact that it’s not even the same genus.

But in garden centers you will find it with the “pothos” label on it. And in fact it does look like it a lot…

The leaves have a tip that bends sideways, and the heart shape is closer to a lanceolate (the back lobes are not pronounced).

The leaves of this trailing vine have a wonderful pattern of two colors, green and silver green. The green looks like the foundation or base color, and the silver green appears as dots, blots and patches in it.

  • Leaf color: green with many silver green patches that join at times.
  • Ideal setting: this is a plant you want to admire from close by. That is, of you want to make the best of the leaf pattern. It looks great against dark foliage or dark pr light backgrounds, avoid backgrounds in the middle. The setting can be both formal and informal.
  • Other tips: this may be a hard plant to find, however, if you do, always make the best of the leaf pattern by setting it against a monochrome background.

9. Glacier Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Glacier’)

Glacier pothos
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Glacier pothos is a small variegated variety of this vine. This cultivar is becoming very common indeed in garden centers because it has some very striking features.

To start with, it has a fairly compact habit. This and the small size make it ideal for coffee tables and office desks.

But wait, the most beautiful feature is the color pattern on the leaves of this pothos! They have broad, soft looking and well defined patches of cream white and emerald green.

These form very decorative and even sculptural shades on the leaves. No wonder this eye-catcher us the rising star of the pothos family!

  • Leaf color: cream white and emerald green.
  • Ideal setting: it is not the plant you want trailing from high shelves… It is far too decorative and sculptural to relegate it to a “backdrop” plant. It is the plant you want to make a bold but elegant statement on your table, on your desk, on your coffee table or on your shop desk. In hanging baskets it also looks great, but you will enjoy it better at eye level, so, low baskets are preferable.
  • Other tips: if you want it to have a fuller look, trim it regularly. Also, careful with low light: it will lose the white and the green will predominate, sending the whole composition off balance.

10. N-Joy Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘N-Joy’)

N-Joy pothos
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N-Joy pothos is a young member of the group. In fact, this cultivar is one of the most recent ones to have been bred.

It is a variegated pothos variety with clear white and green patches. These tend to be large, drawing like ink sketches on the leaf. 

The green will change in shade according to the light and the age of the leaf, from pale green to quite dark.

They often take very interesting shapes. You may see a butterfly on the, or a green ivy leaf painted on white background or a flame inside a heart.

It is very decorative but still you may not find it very easily. But if you do, this is your chance to make an early start with a variety which is set to grow in popularity in the coming years.

  • Leaf color: white and green. The green can have many shades.
  • Ideal setting: definitely a plant to enjoy for its sculptural qualities. You will want it at low level on a bookshelf or on a table where everybody can admire its foliage at close range.
  • Other tips: you will not find it in your local nursery or garden center. The best place to find it is online.

11. Satin Pothos Or Silver Pothos (Scindapsus Pictus)

Satin pothos
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Satin pothos, a.k.a. silver pothos closes the list of guest at the pothos table. This vine is striking in many ways…

To start with, it will bloom occasionally, unlike “actual” pothos plants. And the bloom is quite exotic looking. In fact, it looks like a white pinecone or a strange tropical fruit…

Then, of course, you have the foliage hanging on the trailing stems. It is of a matt green shade with lighter green dots all over.

The effect is actually very decorative. It looks like the dappled light you see from under the canopy of tropical forests. And this completes the striking exotic look of this honorary pothos plant.

  • Leaf color: white and green. The green can have many shades.
  • Ideal setting: definitely a plant to enjoy for its sculptural qualities. You will want it at low level on a bookshelf or on a table where everybody can admire its foliage at close range.
  • Other tips: you will not find it in your local nursery or garden center. The best place to find it is online.

12. Pearls And Jade Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Pearls And Jade’)

Pearls and jade pothos
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Pearls and jade pothos is one of the most elegant varieties of this houseplant you can find.mIn fact, it has the elegance of butterfly wings or of a silk scarf in the wind.

Why do I say so? The variegation of the different shades of green and the cream white has an oriental touch to it. The figures they paint on the leaf look like watercolors, with smooth transitions.

There are not many areas of color in each leaf, usually one main green at the center, one white one around it and maybe some small green lines around parts of the edges.

But the green, mainly on the jade tone, goes from very bright to very intense and dark. Just stunning.

  • Leaf color: different shades of jade green and cream.
  • Ideal setting: this is a great plant for an oriental feel. It would look great in a Japanese themed room for example, next to a an elegant painting, near bamboo furniture… Placed against a neutral background, it will give a sense of harmonic elegance. Do keep it near the viewer, as everybody must admire the artistic patterns on its leaves.
  • Other tips: make sure the light is bright; this will both enhance its beauty and prevent the green to become darker and spread over the cream parts.

Beautiful and Useful Pothos Varieties

If you thought that pothos only had “one face and one look” now you know otherwise.

As you can see the different types and varieties of this houseplant are suitable to different places. Not every pothos needs to go on top of that very tall cupboard!

But there is more. I would like to leave you with a fact. Pothos are excellent air cleaners! 

They can purify common toxins from the air of your room, especially those that many types of paint and furniture finish give off, like VOC benzene.

So, you get two benefits form this plant: a beautiful room and a healthy room… and for no hassle at all!

Adriano Bulla

Written By

Adriano Bulla

After many years as an academic in London, Adriano Bulla became a writer, publishing books like A History of Gardening, Organic Gardening and Elements of Garden Design; he then decided to become a gardener, following his childhood dream, and has been following his dream writing and gardening professionally in Southern Europe, where he has specialized in new and innovative organic gardening fields and techniques, like permaculture, regenerative agriculture, food forests and hydroponics.

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  1. Avatar photo MOHAN DOSHI says:

    Great write-up and great pics. Visually entertaining and informative.

  2. Avatar photo ann harford says:

    amazing wonderful,i have 2 types now it can be 12.thank you

  3. Avatar photo Yolanda Archambault says:

    Thank you for great informative info and photos of Pothos, I wandered how many inside Pothos there were. I have three and they are very pretty but one has large green leaves with some yellow and shaped into wide hearts, they are almost as large as the Hawaiian Pothos and I didn’t see any here that look like it maybe you can tell me what the name of this Pothos might be.