Did you know that you can grow indoor fruit trees anywhere? Besides enhancing the overall beauty of your home, growing a dwarf fruit tree helps circulate and create clean air for your home while contributing fresh fruit for your family.
That’s a win-win for everyone.
Yes, you can grow fruit trees indoors. But not all trees are cut out to be grown indoors. You do need to look for dwarf fruit tree varieties, which are grafted to stay small and compact without decreasing its potential yield.
However, just because it’s a dwarf tree doesn’t mean it will always stay small enough to be kept inside. Regular pruning is necessary to maintain your tree to keep it a size that is reasonable for growing indoors fruits indoors.
This guide will take you through choosing which fruits can be grown indoors? and how to take care of each!
15 Types Of Fruit Trees that you can grow indoors
When you’re ready to dive into growing fruit trees in your home, here are some fruit treevarieties that do exceptionally well. All of these trees will need proper care, sunlight, and repotted often to produce fruit that you want.
Browse our list of the 15 best fruit trees you can grow indoors, below.
1. Meyer Lemon Trees
We’ll start our list by looking at the most commonly chosen indoor fruit tree – the Meyer lemon tree. It’s the most well-known indoor tree because of its compact size.
Meyer lemons are self-pollinating, but it will take two to three years for the trees to bear fruit. These trees can still grow up to eight feet tall, so you will need to prune your trees to keep them relatively small.
Make sure you pick a location that receives six hours of sunlight each day. Like all citrus trees, Meyer lemons need well-draining soil that is kept slightly moist. The soil should not completely dry out.
2. Lime Trees
You have two popular options for dwarf lime trees – key lime and kaffir lime. Both are great options for indoor spaces, but there are some key differences.
No matter which variety you pick, both require full sunlight. They love warm temperatures, and you can set them outside during the summer months.
3. Fig Trees
Figs need plenty of warm weather to grow outside, so they end up being a better inside fruit tree for most gardeners who don’t live in a subtropical climate. Growing figs is easier than you might think!
Some varieties are suited more for growing indoors, such as the Brown Turkey fig, because it’s a self-pollinating tree. No matter which variation of figs you pick, they need a humid environment, so plan to mist the trees regularly.
Make sure you fill the container with loamy soil and keep it in a location that receives full sunlight. Aim for your tree to get 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Fig trees aren’t a fan of the cold at all. Keep them away from drafty doors and windows that might be chilly during the winter.
The size pot that you pick will factor into how large and productive your fig tree becomes If you want more fruit, go for a larger pot, or select a smaller container if you want the tree to stay small.
Make sure that you water the tree once a week. Water until it comes out of the drainage holes. You’ll also need to prune regularly. When it’s as tall as you want, it’s time to prune.
4. Olive Trees
Most people don’t consider olives a fruit because they’re far from sweet, but these trees make an excellent option for indoor fruit trees.
Olive trees aren’t as needy as other trees, so they’re much easier to take care of inside. At the same time, a single tree can produce around 20lbs of olives.
All olive trees prefer well-draining soil and full sunlight with at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Indoor olive trees only need to be watered when the top inch of the soil dries out.
Look at the type of olive trees called Arbequina because it’s suited for containers.
It’s a slow-growing variety that will drip water through its leaves, a process called weeping. You should keep in mind that many cultivars are purely ornamental, so they don’t bear fruit.
For the trees to make fruits, the trees need to have two months of cooler temperatures to set the tree into a sort of dormancy.
You can move the tree to either a garage or a shed that would be cooler during the fall or winter.
5. Calamondin Oranges
Next up are orange trees – calamondin orange trees are the most uncomplicated variety to grow indoors. Calamondin oranges a cross between a mandarin orange and a kumquat. So, they have thin skins and have a super sweet yet tangy taste.
To say that they’re delicious would be an understatement.
These oranges are a great choice if you want to use citrus for cooking. These trees need full sunlight, and you should look for a self-pollinating variety.
6. Passion Fruit Tree
You might know that passion fruit grows on a vine, but it’s similar to growing a fruit tree. These trees need well-draining soil and full sunlight, at least six hours of sunlight each day.
You also need to keep the soil moist, but it shouldn’t be soggy. Water it frequently.
The significant difference is that passion fruit requires a trellis to grow up. You’ll need to secure a trellis in your container.
Not only will you end up with delicious fruits, but you’ll also have lovely flowers that fill the tree while you wait for the fruits.
7. Apricot Tree
Most people associate apricots with dried apricots that you can find in the bulk food area of your store or the aisle with nuts.
If you like dried apricots, then you’ll like fresh apricots; they taste much better. You can turn apricots into jam or use them in a dessert. Who wouldn’t love these fruits growing inside?
There aren’t too many options for dwarf apricot trees. The Moorpark tree is the most popular, typically only reaching about six feet tall. You need to prune it regularly to keep the tree small and compact.
Apricot trees need to be grown in a snug container that contains well-draining soil. Try placing the tree near a south-facing window because it provides the most amount of sunlight possible. Apricots need to be water regularly and don’t let the soil dry out between watering.
8. Peach Trees
Who doesn’t love a fresh peach?
Most people don’t associate fresh peaches with growing a tree inside, but you can do it! You’ll need to select a dwarf tree that is self-pollinating.
Peach trees need to grow in large pots with loamy soil. The roots need to be snug in the pot but not too tight because it encourages fruiting. The trees also need to be fertilized regularly and receive at least six hours of sunlight per day.
A popular peach tree to grow in a home is called “Golden Glory.” It’s a natural dwarf variety that does well inside or on a patio.
9. Nectarine Trees
Most people lump peaches and nectarines together because they’re similar and have the same growing requirements, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same fruit.
These trees need a lot of sunlight with moist, not soggy, soil. Make sure you don’t let the soil dry out between waterings.
Nectarines benefit from large pots and loamy soil, but make sure you match the container to the tree size.
It shouldn’t be much larger than what it is in now. Slight snugness is proper because it encourages fruiting while also allowing for growth.
10. Avocado Tree
Starting an avocado tree from a pit is a simple science experiment for parents with little kids. It’s a cool way to show kids how trees are started. Eventually, that tree could produce avocados on its own.
The problem with growing avocados is that it’s tough to get indoor trees to fruit. Unfortunately, these trees typically don’t produce fruits, but they’re still a beautiful house tree to have.
Most standard avocado trees grow tall. They need to be pruned regularly, and the trees need to be grown in loamy, well-draining soil. Make sure you pick a location that receives bright sunlight for 6-8 hours per day.
11. Banana Tree
While these trees are unique and stunning, they can grow insanely tall if you don’t prune regularly. Outside banana trees can reach incredible heights. You’ll have to pick a dwarf variety, bring the topics into your home.
The most popular choice for growing inside is the Lady Finger banana tree. These trees typically reach four feet tall, producing tiny bananas.
Since bananas are tropical plants, these trees need to have plenty of humidity and sunlight, receiving 6 to 8 hours of sun each day. If you have an exposing southern window, that’s ideal.
The best way to mimic the humidity needed to grow banana trees is to mist your trees often. If your house is hot and dry, then you’ll only need to mist once per day.
12. Mulberry Bushes
Most people think of mulberries growing on trees rather than bushes, but mulberry bushes grow inside quickly, just like the trees.
While we call them bushes, they’re dwarf mulberry trees that look like bushes with their growth patterns. Two popular picks are called “Everbearing” and “Issai.”
Mulberries need a good-quality potting soil that is well-draining. Like all fruit trees, they need plenty of bright light each day to produce fruit, typically 6-8 hours per day.
Mulberry bushes grow as quickly as standard varieties, so you do need to prune them compactly. Keep pruning the trees, and make sure you fertilize them every six months.
13. Ground Cherries
Sometimes called Cape Gooseberries, ground cherries aren’t a tree, but rather a bush that belongs in the same family as tomatoes and peppers.
Ground cherries are incredibly easy to grow, and not enough people know about this hidden treasure you can grow in your garden or inside of your home.
So what do ground cherries taste like?
They’re similar to a mixture of a pineapple and tomatoes with a citrusy bite that is unique. You won’t find anything else like a ground cherry. Use them for desserts or even create a ground cherry jam. It’s delicious!
Ground cherries are annual plants, just like tomatoes. So, you’ll need to grow a new plant each year. Start the seeds in an eight-inch pot filled with good quality potting mix.
The soil should be well-draining and be enriched with compost for added nutrients. Be sure to keep your plants in full sunlight.
14. Goji Berries
Here are some delicious tasting berries that are full of vitamins. Goji berries need to be placed in a south-facing window or have a grow light that ensures it receives an adequate amount of lighting.
These trees are drought-tolerant, but they won’t deal with wet feet well. So, make sure you let everything dry out in between each watering.
When the berries are ready to be harvested, all you have to do is put a sheet under the tree and shake the pot. The berries will fall out of the tree onto the sheet. It makes collecting them so easy!
15. Kumquat
Here is an exciting and delicious citrus fruit that you can eat whole. You can eat the fruit and the peel at the same time. It’s quite interesting; the fruit itself is sour, but the skin is sweet with a delicious citrus flavor.
Once your tree produces and ripens up the kumquats, you can put an entire fruit into your mouth and eat them just the way they are.
Kumquats grow just like any other citrus fruit. They need ample sunlight, typically 6-8 hours of sun each day. They also need water and higher humidity levels than other fruits.
Something different is that you need to pinch back the growing tips to make your tree bushier and sturdier. Doing so also helps it bear more fruit.
Growing Fruit Indoors
Even if you don’t have a lot of growing space outside, growing indoor fruit trees gives you a way to have fresh homegrown fruit without needing a large backyard.
Many of these 15 fruit trees can be quite prolific when grown inside. The hardest problem you might have it stopping yourself and your kids from eating all of the fruit too fast!
Written By
Amber Noyes
Amber Noyes was born and raised in a suburban California town, San Mateo. She holds a master’s degree in horticulture from the University of California as well as a BS in Biology from the University of San Francisco. With experience working on an organic farm, water conservation research, farmers’ markets, and plant nursery, she understands what makes plants thrive and how we can better understand the connection between microclimate and plant health. When sheโs not on the land, Amber loves informing people of new ideas/things related to gardening, especially organic gardening, houseplants, and growing plants in a small space.
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